Summer reading & living


It’s nearly August, summers final hurrah! It’s been a long and hot one – everywhere – and I am personally craving September, the best month of all in my humble opinion. But back to August, I will try not to wish away the last 30 days or so of summer for those who love the heat and the seemingly endless sunshine.

We’re on the cusp of another long weekend here in Canada, and long weekends always make me think of curling up somewhere shady with a great book and a pile of magazines.

My magazine obsession began when I was around 6 years old with a weekly subscription to Twinkle magazine. Not sure if it was available in Canada or the US, but no self-respecting girl in the UK was without a copy. It was essential reading. It’s probably responsible for igniting my love of writing, why no one ever receives a short email from me, why I just can’t text and why I still send handwritten letters and cards.

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