Ssssssh, it’s a secret!


In addition to my somewhat never-ending addiction for baskets and boxes, I also love a good notebook or three.

I have two on the go at work, one is my hardworking everyday moleskin in an easy to find shade of hunter green and the other is a long-term planning/goal setting refillable notebook from Hermes. I have another notebook for home and personal things and I even have a small one that I (used to) take on my travels to jot down where we have been.

At GGI we LOVE our notebooks. We go through quite a few in a year and rarely get rid of them as they contain a plethora of useful information.

We understand the efficiency that comes with digital note-taking and for our client projects, everything is logged and filed in one of our cloud-based systems. However, there is something about the handwritten note that resonates with us.

As a design firm we are constantly sketching our thoughts and ideas onto paper, and having a journal or notebook is ideal for keeping everything in one place.

I personally find that I can write and still hold a conversation but I cannot type and talk. So, when meeting with clients, I find a notebook is still the best way to jot everything down, and still maintain a good connection.

I’ve also read that writing things down helps you process the information better. At a design firm, there are 1,000,000 moving pieces and it is essential nothing gets left behind!

What is your favourite method of note-taking? A certain app? The note pad on your phone? Or your leather-bound notebook?

A recent trip down the black hole that is the internet provided some gorgeous insight into the notebooks and journals of some architects, designers, and artists.

Here are a few of our favourites, truthfully far prettier than ours.

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